Marvel & DC Movie Infographic


This weekend X-Men Apocalypse opens in theaters becoming the 3rd major superhero movie this year and the 9th X-Men movie to date.   But not too long ago Captain America Civil War just came out and though the Avengers and X-Men share the pages in the comics, they don’t share screen today.

What’s the deal?  Well while DC comic heroes (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman etc…) are all made by Warner Brothers, Marvel sold many of the movie rights to their heroes (X-Men, Spider-Man, Hulk etc…) in the early 90s and many movie studios have tried making films throughout the years.

Then Marvel decided to try their hand at making movies and who would have known the success the Avengers films would have been.  Now all other studios that own superhero properties are trying to emulated the shared universe success of Marvel’s films.

Below I’ve compiled a chart showing what movies and shows are related to others.   Click the link below for the high res image.  Hope you enjoy!  Feel free to share!

Click Here to View High Res Image

PS-If you’re viewing it on a phone, I suggest saving the image so you can zoom and explore it all you want then feel free to delete it when you’re done.


Zombie Comedies… Zomedies?


Need a break from the heavy subject matter on the walking dead?  Let me tell you about three of my favorite zombie flicks that have a much lighter attitude on reanimated corpses.

Warm Bodies


Year: 2013

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 1hr 38mins

A tale as old as time… boy meets girl… boy falls in love with girl… boy eats the brain of the girl’s boyfriend…

Did I forget to mention boy is a zombie?

This quirky title is a zombified romance tells a tale about a zombie (Nicholas Hoult) who falls in love with a girl (Teresa Palmer).  The story is told through witty first person dialogue as the zombie tries to relearn what it means to be a human again.

The movie has many funny moments and a warm gooey center that is pretty rare in the genre.  As long as you are okay with quirky premise (as the movie won’t change your mind if your aren’t), the movie is a great watch and is often a favorite for those who aren’t usually into zombies (AKA date night).

Best Bromance: R & M

Award for Movie That Luckily Removes the Love Triangle Early: Poor Dave Franco…



Year: 2009

Rating: R

Runtime: 1hr 28mins

From Jesse Eisenberg’s opening narration to the slow motion zombie kill montage of the opening credits Zombieland sets itself up as a tongue and cheek zombie survival story.

We follow loner, awkward Colombus (Eisenberg) as he meets and befriends other survivors who are all trying to figure out what is next in this zombie-filled world.  Where can we go that is safe?  Will the cute girl I just encounter still ignore me if I’m literally the only guy left? Are there any Twinkies left?  As they travel across the country wrestling with these questions, we see them slowly go from a band of survivors, to a family.

Most Important Rule: Cardio… No wait, Avoid Bathrooms… Wear Seatbelts?  Eh I don’t know.

Award for the Movie with one of the Best Cameos: *Spoiler* you’ll just have to watch it.

Shaun of the Dead


Year: 2004

Rating: R

Runtime: 1hr 39mins

Can I really make a list of zombie based comedies and not include this movie?  With the patented Edgar Wright style of fast cuts and visually interesting film making, this movie is a huge part of what put the comedy duo of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on the map.

It follows the life of typical everyman Shaun (Simon Pegg) as his life starts to spiral down due to his lack of ambition, his slacker buddy (Nick Frost) and his disappointed girlfriend (Kate Ashfield).  But then the zombie apocalypse strikes London, suddenly Shaun has a chance to be more than he is… Oh and get everyone to the Winchester for a pint.

Best Zombie Selfie: I almost forgot about disposable cameras

Award for the Movie that Makes me Wish America had More Pubs: The Winchester.