Book Blurb: The Martian

the-martian-book-coverAuthor:  Andy Weir

Published:  2014

Described as a love letter to science, this book chronicles the story of Mark Watney, an astronaut in a near future manned mission to mars, mistakenly stranded and forced to survive until rescue.  Originally released as a serial on his website, the Martian carefully keeps to accurate science and feasible technology making it the quintessential Hard Science Fiction novel.

The book is told through two perspectives.  The primary perspective is a first person view told in personal logs where Mark’s hilarious gallows humor and accessible scientific explanations immediately draw you into the narrative.  The book then periodically shifts to a third person omniscient view where NASA and Mark’s former crew realize his plight and race to save him.

The recent movie staring Matt Damon and directed by Ridley Scott, is an excellent adaptation that stays very true to the book (minus some iron man suit puncturing nonsense). If you’ve already seen the movie and enjoyed it, the book is still worth your time as many problems that Watney had to overcome were glossed over or cut completely from the movie due to time constraints.  Furthermore, if you enjoyed the scientific explanations in the movie, the book goes into much greater detail while still remaining accessible.

This book is a must read for not only space and science enthusiasts, but for those interested in compelling characters striving to overcome impossible situations.

Award for the Book that Makes Engineering Cool:   Oh yeah…  and botany too, I guess…

Most Homicidal Planet:   Mars

Parental Advisory:  Super strong, though often hilarious, language

PS-If you enjoyed the book and/or movie, there is a great interview of Andy Weir conducted by former mythbuster Adam Savage below: